
最佳 Shopify 自动折扣应用程序:让您的销售额飙升!

最佳 Shopify 自动折扣应用程序!

为客户提供折扣是推广业务的好方法。但是,手动应用折扣可能既耗时又无聊。Shopify 折扣应用程序已成为解决此问题的救星。有许多最好的 Shopify 自动折扣应用程序可让您的任务更轻松并提高您的销售额。

根据《经济学人》的一项研究,通过提供奖励折扣,你的 销售额最多可增加 73% 更多。自动折扣应用让店主可以根据自己的喜好灵活地设置折扣。借助这些 Shopify 自动折扣应用,店主可以减少时间浪费、安排折扣或将其用于多种用途。


在本内容中,您将了解 Shopify 折扣应用、它们的好处以及这些应用上的常见折扣类型。此外,设置 批量折扣 以及如何通过在您的 Shopify 商店中使用 Shopify 折扣应用来充分利用它。


为什么你应该在 Shopify 商店提供折扣?事实!

折扣会释放快乐的荷尔蒙,本身就是一种心理游戏,最终你会购买你甚至不打算购买的产品。提供折扣一直是 电子商务中的有效策略 Shopify 等平台来提高销量。这已成为吸引客户和建立忠诚度的常用方法。它还显著影响业务增长和客户关系。

下面讨论了一些重要的事实,说明为什么您应该考虑在 Shopify 商店中提供折扣。

Fact#1- 销售量增加:






Fact#4- 清库存:



捆绑折扣、分级定价或 BOGO 优惠等有条件折扣鼓励客户在购物车中添加更多商品,从而提高 AOV。

您认为哪一个是最好的 Shopify 折扣应用程序?

从创造紧迫感到鼓励批量购买,再到针对特定用户——折扣应用程序允许 Shopify 商家吸引新客户,激励他们保持忠诚度,并最终增加营收。

这里我们介绍了 Shopify 商店的最佳折扣应用程序。

最好的 Shopify 折扣应用之一是 折扣雷。有几个主要原因可以说明为什么它是 Shopify 等电子商务平台上提供折扣的最佳平台。

  • 只需单击一下即可使用这款终极折扣应用程序来提高您的收入!
  • 您可以使用自动批量折扣和分级定价来鼓励大批量购买。此外,还可以奖励您的客户购买更多并节省更多。
  • 您可以轻松地使用客户标签来定位特定的 B2B 批发客户或群组。为您的 B2B 客户提供个性化定价,并通过为您的客户设计的独家折扣来提高参与度和忠诚度,现在变得轻而易举!
  • 根据您的产品量身定制折扣!您可以为每种变体提供独特的基于数量的折扣选项,为客户提供灵活的选择。通过为特定变体提供折扣,它有助于清除您的库存商品。
  • 您可以规划并让您的促销活动如钟表般运转!减少时间浪费,提前安排您的优惠和促销活动,以专注于您的核心任务。DiscountRay 将为您处理其余事宜。利用基于时间的促销优惠来推动销售并让您的客户赞叹不已。
  • 通过精美展示的折扣小部件和实时优惠来吸引顾客的注意力,激励他们购买更多商品。
  • 您可以根据商店需求定制折扣来实现最高收入。
  • 借助这款应用令人惊叹的视觉效果,找到合适的目标客户将变得非常容易

DiscountRay 的主要功能:最好的 Shopify 折扣应用程序!


通过使用数量或 批量折扣 功能,您可以轻松地对每个变体应用折扣以鼓励大批量购买,从而增加您的销售额。

Apply quantity discounts in your Shopify store


这是有关在 Shopify 商店中设置数量折扣的分步视频教程。


您可以使用此功能为特定产品、标签、客户、产品类型或系列设置不同的折扣 折扣雷.

Set different discounts on different variants


有关如何在 Shopify 商店中针对不同版本设置不同折扣的分步视频指导。



Apply discounts manually in your Shopify store


从我们的详细视频教程中学习如何在您的 Shopify 商店中设置变体固定价格功能。


安排折扣是 Shopify 商家最有用的事情之一。您可以在您喜欢的时间安排折扣,以用于特殊日子、场合等,从而节省时间。

Schedule your discounts by using discount app discountRay


这是有关如何在 Shopify 商店中设置计划折扣功能的分步视频教程。

B2B 客户折扣

您可以将折扣仅限制给 B2B 客户。折扣可按客户标签或特定客户分配。现在只需单击一下即可锁定忠实客户。

Customize your discounts for B2B buyers

为 B2B 客户设置折扣

从我们详细的视频教程了解如何为 B2B 客户设置折扣。



Customize your store view as per your requirements

Shopify 的其他折扣应用程序有哪些?

Shopify 应用商店提供许多出色的折扣应用,旨在帮助店主应用各种促销技巧,从而增加销售额并吸引更多忠实客户。这些折扣应用之所以有趣,是因为它们根据所应用的业务类型具有不同的功能。

在这里,您将了解 Shopify 一些最常用的折扣应用程序及其功能和优势:








它非常适合那些寻求增加销售额、加快库存周转率并提高平均订单价值的 B2B 商店和商家。




与 Shopify 的内置营销工具无缝协作,使其成为电子邮件驱动促销的首选应用程序。



尽管 Smile.io 主要是一款忠诚度应用程序,但它允许商家将折扣作为奖励计划的一部分,以激励重复购买。


Bold 的产品组合




ReConvert 追加销售和交叉销售







SpurIT 提供折扣追加销售和 BOGO 优惠



哪款折扣应用最适合 Shopify 商店?

Shopify 商店有许多折扣应用程序,但只有少数应用程序可以像 DiscountRay 应用程序一样提供广泛的设施和优势。

以下是该应用程序成为 Shopify 商店最佳折扣应用程序的一些主要原因:




这款 Shopify 折扣应用程序有许多功能和选项,例如自动百分比折扣、数量折扣、固定价格折扣等等。这确保你能找到适合你商店的折扣解决方案。



使用最佳 Shopify 折扣应用程序的最大优势

在您的 Shopify 商店中添加折扣应用不仅会改变游戏规则,还会带来多种好处。Shopify 自动折扣应用的最大好处是折扣灵活性、增强客户忠诚度和提高平均订单价值。

在这里,我们讨论了使用 Shopify 折扣应用程序的深入好处。

Benefit#1- 折扣灵活性

除了 Shopify 的原生折扣功能外,折扣应用程序还具有许多高级功能。您可以设计折扣,例如折扣优惠、分级定价、买一送一优惠、赠品和限时抢购。这种多功能性使您可以通过定制促销活动瞄准更广泛的受众。


使用高级功能,例如 折扣安排,店主可以减少时间浪费,提前安排季节性促销或特殊活动的折扣。这不仅节省时间,还能确保促销活动顺利进行,无需不断进行人工干预。

Discount scheduling using the Shopify discount app DiscountRay

好处 #3- 提高平均订单价值 (AOV)

一些 折扣应用 旨在实现捆绑销售、追加销售和交叉销售策略,鼓励客户将更多商品添加到购物车中以节省开支。例如,对超过一定金额的购买提供折扣会鼓励客户花更多的钱。最终提高平均订单价值。



Benefit#5- 库存清理




Benefit#7- Boosts Customer Loyalty

Using discount apps and offering exclusive discounts through loyalty programs or personalized customer codes encourages stronger relationships with repeat customers. It helps in creating a sense of appreciation and keeps shoppers returning to your store.

The Most Common Discount Types On a Shopify Discount App

There are several types of discounts that Shopify discount apps offer, and allow store owners to set discounts to their specific needs.

The most common discount types in the Shopify app are:

Type#1: Bundle Quantity Discount

Bundle or quantity discounts apply when shoppers buy several products or services at a time.

For example, a car dealer might offer 10% off on a car with an insurance policy. That is why this approach can provide value for customers and also save them money while forcing them to buy something else.

Bundle discounts typically fall into two categories:

Percentage Discounts – A fixed percentage discount is given on the total price.

Variants Fixed-Price Discounts – These are a portion of the money discount offered if shoppers buy multiple items of products.

Type#2: Volume Discounts

Customers who purchase large quantities of products or services receive 批量折扣 as a cost-reduction strategy.

A supermarket, for example, offers its buyers 30% off if they purchase three packs of milk instead of one pack.

This approach is productive for both store owners and consumers. Customers benefit by paying lesser amounts for products bought in large numbers, while firms get increased sales and lower stock-out rates at a faster rate.

Moreover, getting volume discounts can also boost consumer loyalty since customers may be willing to shop at certain stores.

Volume discount or Quantity discount using Shopify discount app

Make The Most Of It Using a Shopify Discount App: Discount Strategies!

Discount Apps are one of the valuable tools available for store owners at Shopify, and using those apps store owners can increase the sales value, promote customer engagement as well, and charge the average order value improving the store’s revenue.

To fully leverage its features, follow these key strategies:

Strategy#1: Understand Your Goals

Firstly, define your business goals. Do you want to get rid of excess stock, introduce a new product into the market, or to make customers purchase the same product again? A clear goal will assist you in designing discounts that fit into your strategy.

Strategy#2: Set Up Customized Discounts

Shopify Discount App enables you to create multiple discount types such as percentage discounts, price discounts, free shipping, and buy one get one free. Adapt these to suit your products and your intended Consumers. For instance, use percentage discounts for large-ticket items and free shipping to attract customers uncertain about added costs.

Strategy#3: Experiment with Advanced Features

Leverage features like automatic discounts and usage limits. By setting the automatic discounts it avoids asking the customers to enter the codes. Usage limits ensure that discounts stay within budget while driving urgency.

Strategy#4: Combine Discount Strategy with Marketing Campaigns

You can use discounts to improve its impact by combining them with emails, social media, and promotional banners. Publicize your discounts as much as possible to attract more people into your store and make more sales.

Strategy#5: Analyze and Refine

After launching discounts, monitor their performance. Use Shopify analytics to evaluate sales growth, customer behavior, and ROI. Refine your discount strategy based on these insights to continuously improve.

Wrapping up: Best Shopify Automatic Discount Apps

Countless best Shopify automatic discount apps exist. But which one is better depends on what kind of store you run. Because not every app is all-in-one. You can explore the Shopify app store and find out which app works best for you.

Furthermore, discount apps are a quick and simple way to manage discounts on Shopify. Discounts help increase average order value and reduce cart abandonment. Any business – including Luxury – uses discounts and sales to increase its revenue and improve its Shopify conversion rate.


How do I add a discount on a Shopify Discount app?

It’s just a few clicks away to add discounts in Shopify. Firstly, log into your store and select the Discounts tab on the left-side menu. Then, click the Create Discount button at the top-left corner of the page. Customize the discount options, and you’re all set.

Can I set a coupon code for my Shopify store?

With the Discount tab, you can create a unique coupon code and specify the dates for which the code is valid, how many times it can be used, and whether it applies only to certain products. Depending on your needs, you can create discount codes with a percentage discount, a dollar amount discount, free shipping, or buy one get one free.

How do I offer a discount on everything in my Shopify store?

Shopify allows you to set sales prices for products or variants by updating the compare-at price. You can compare your product’s original cost to the sales price using the Compare-at-Price feature.

To add compare-at prices to your products in bulk, select the products you want to edit from the Products tab, then click Edit Products. From here, you’ll be able to set prices and compare prices in bulk for the selected products.

How many automatic discounts can I have on Shopify?

A maximum of 25 automatic discounts can be active at the same time. Discounts based on apps are included in this total. Customers can use a maximum of five product or order discount codes and one shipping discount code on the same order.

What is the best Shopify discount strategy?

The best Shopify discount strategy is quantity discounts. As an e-commerce business owner, you can run a promotion of a 20% discount on the purchase of 3 items of the same product. This strategy can make the customer order more to get the discount.

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